Sunday, April 03, 2011

Turning left up Change Street

Sunday mornings are often quite low affairs (for those living and working in the Middle East, given that Sunday is, and has always been the new Monday).  The  mind, soothed by the fairness and freedom of the weekend, is abruptly spun into life by the deadlines and to do lists of the working week.

This morning was no exception.  Right up until I instinctively decided to take a different route to work. Instead of turning right onto the brutal highway of another week, this morning I swept left on to a much more soothing beach road, of another sun kissed morning.

The difference to the day that this small and seemingly insignificant change in behavior has made, has been quite remarkable. For the first time in a long time I've brought my A game to a Sunday (and everything that goes with it). And all it took was a left turn, that's been there all along.

My point? Too often in these manic times, our omni-wired-super-charged minds cheat us out of the power of simplicity. Sometimes, the things we need change to create the life we want, are right there in front of us. As simple as a left-turn.

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