(These are just thoughts, after all. But hey, they're there to be shared...)
Scrolling down through my Facebook wall the other morning, I found myself astonished at how much of themselves people are now willing to volunteer. Myself included.
Ideas, thoughts, emotions, suggestions, opinions, loves, hates, recommendations, cautions, do's, dont's, oohh's, ahh's and everything in between.
What's more, the nature and timing of many of the posts exhibit an ever shrinking period of 'consideration', between Creating and Sharing. As if we've reached a new level of spontaneity. A new level of comfort and confidence to share with instinct and altruism.
The social cynics may sneer and jape at this new level of transparency.com, but personally I think it poses a much more exciting question: Has our New Social Order started to bloom into the majesty that Nature intended it for?
Read me out...
On reflection, the only other candidate I can think of that demonstrates the same degree of innocent spontaneity is, well, Nature herself. In all aspects; good, bad, awesome and terrifying. But over the years, mankind's well documented history of fxxxing things up, slowly led to our unique isolation from this most precious of Nature's laws.
But as we all know, and are seeing with increasing frequency across the world, Nature takes and creates, and knows no limitation when needs must. And in our case, Needs have most certainly Must, for many, many years.
So perhaps, in Her own fantastic way, the inspiration and genius behind the creation of the Social Web phenomenon is another of Nature's tricks. A deliberate and timely gift that has allowed mankind to reestablish - on our own terms and in our own time - that level of interconnectivity, transparency and unification that once upon a time, made her, and us, the envy of the Universe.
Good things.
PS PLEASE click the follow box to your right (if you like).
Yes its a phenomenon but consider this...
ReplyDeleteAnimals and insects have been using forms of social media in their everyday life a hell of a lot longer than we have.
Sounds bizarre I know but look at ants for example. Working from one platform (an ant hill) they can communicate to each other by simply leaving tiny encrypted messages on their trails which only specific ants can pick up.
Bees when they fly/pollinate from one flow to another also leave special coded messages for other bees to receive (almost like a message board).
Bears, wolves, dogs, cats, etc use scent as way of attracting a mate or warning others not to enter their territory.
Wales and dolphins use sonar as a form of social media, advertising their momentary thoughts and aspirations, almost like their status update.
The truth is we humans are way behind the rest of the animal kingdom when it comes to communicating our hopes, desires and emotions to the outside world.
We’ve got some serious catching up to do!