Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Zen and the Art of Productive Procrastination Part 2

Given how much epic stuff is happening to us and our planet right now - good, bad and ugly - I believe the turn of each month deserves much more fanfare than the traditional pinch, and the over zealous punch.  Positively: we kept our ship afloat for another few weeks. Negatively: our ship kept us afloat. Either way, January rocked and deserves its 11 month rest. And so far February isn't letting us down in anyway whatsoever. So here's a bunch of stuff dedicated (kinda) to the pair of them. 

1. Tap, Tap, Tap?

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, has been a widely acclaimed form of alternative psychotherapy for many years, that uses tapping on acupuncture points while a patient focuses on a specific traumatic memory and/or a specific challenge or issue they need to address/overcome. The tapping is said to manipulate an energy field practitioners associate with the human body (chi) and creates a significant healing effect. I've had it done to me, and I can honestly say that once I allowed myself to get beyond its simplicity, it proved very powerful (I don't fear my left foot anymore). But extolling the virtues of EFT is not the point of this particular opening to ZAPP 2. No, it's to draw one's attention to the incredulous art of what I am now officially calling 'The Shameless Taco Effect'. Drawing upon Billy Connolly's famous Mexican food skit, Shameless Tacoing is when one bunch of people (or person) takes another bunch of people's original work, and cleverly renames and reworks it 'just' enough to hoodwink us all into thinking they created it.

Curiously enough, the Self Help / Development industry appear to be clear front runners of Shameless  Tacoing. Granted, they may well have good intentions and on the whole are doing 'good' in the world. But generally speaking the vast majority of Self Help 'celebrities' are merely selling a repackaged version of a better man's wisdom, cleverly bent to their own agenda. This video is a great example. EFT, a centuries old eastern technique, reduced to the new/ground breaking/revolutionary/life changing/incredible art of.......well, tapping.

2. Let me through, I'm an Aromatherapist

Let me mitigate this post by declaring, quite transparently, that I rather like Aromathepay, and indeed encourage some of my Reiki clients to use certain oils based on whatever it is they might need. That said, I like belly laughing and Billy Connelly even more. And since he's already had a mention above, well....this is just mustard! Billy at his seething best.

3. Gigglebook

Even during the darkest of days, one can (theoretically) seek comfort in the fact that we are guaranteed at least one good old fashioned rib tickler a week, courtesy of Population Facebook. Some, if not all of these Status updates duly deliver:

4. Hollow Earth? Hmmmm....

For some reason I struggle with this one. Although logically it's perhaps more plausible and easily rationalized than Aliens 'out there'. never know. And if someone like Kimora can get on TV, then fuck, anything's possible.

5. Genius

They never fail to deliver. Sadly most of us in this part of the world might have missed it. "Open your world?". Indeed.

Heineken - The Entrance from Desmond en Demian on Vimeo.

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