Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5 tips to keep momentum going during Ramadan

With Ramadan taking out most of the month of August this year, businesses across the region should be mindful of the opportunity the new 4 month clear stretch to year-end represents. And in the same token, be careful not to lose momentum over the next few weeks, especially in their marketing and communications.

Ramadan will end on or around August 22nd/23rd, immediately followed by the Eid break which should see most organisations fully back in the saddle week commencing Sunday 26th. Question is, how fast will you speed out of the gates?

Here's 5 suggestions to keeping the momentum going behind your business and communications during Ramadan; stay ahead of the competition and place your business in good stead to have a killer end to 2012.
1. CONTENT // use the time to review, plan and start creating fresh content for your web site and social media channels.  We all realise how important fresh, relevant content is to keeping customers engaged. But in the heat of the day to day, its often the first thing to get left down the agenda. You'd be amazed at how much compelling content there is across your business and media assets. Taking some time next month to both create your content calendar, and prepare the content itself, will mean a) you can remain focused on your core business for the rest of the year, and b) your digital assets will be fresh and engaging during that crucial period.

2. EXPLORE // When was the last time you pulled together a collection of your staff, clients or even suppliers, and simply asked: "how can we be better?".  Open brainstorming and innovation sessions can be wildly enlightening, open up new opportunities for growth and cultivate that vital sense of enthusiasm and creative energy in your business. And don't think your businesses isn't suitable. If you don't ask, and create an environment for this type of thinking you'll never know what opportunities and breath through ideas are waiting to be unearthed. 

Alternatively, why not engage Creative Innovation specialists to give you some fresh perspectives; share new media opportunities and engagement ideas.

3. GET SOCIAL // Use the period to set up, or fine tune and populate your social media platforms. Despite its continued growth and dominance, it's amazing how frequently I still hear comments like "it's irrelevant for my business" or "it's simply not worth the time".  Granted, for certain industry sectors the fit might feel uncomfortable, and measuring return on any social activity is neigh on impossible. But what many businesses fail to understand is that an effective social media strategy is equally about reputation, search engine optimisation and credibility as it is about awareness, engagement and value exchange.

4. REVIEW THEIR JOURNEY // Use the time to zoom out and put yourself in your customers shoes. Map out and understand the journey they're taking to do business with you, and how you can better serve their needs; before, during and after they're with you. Then recalibrate accordingly to ensure it's as easy, convenient and positive experience as possible. They'll notice. Appreciate it. And pay the love back in loyalty.

5. LOVE YOUR PEOPLE // It doesn't need to be said really, but your business is your people. Take the time check-in on your staff next month (NB not check up!). Create an open forum to measure sentiment, motivation and commitment. Make sure they're happy, inspired and all working towards the goal and mission of the business.

If necessary, use the time to bring in training experts to assist in improving sales and presentation skills, goal setting, productivity and other performance metrics. Investing in your people is priceless.  Especially before a crucial season, like Q4 in the UAE!

See you at the starting line....

C73 is in an independent brand communication consultancy. We make it our business to keep our clients up to speed with the latest trends in marketing and communication; take advantage of new media opportunities and keep innovating to stay one step ahead of the competition.

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