"Beware the humorless - whether in the form of a person, institute, or belief system - for it's always accompanied by an impulse to control and dominate, even if its proclaimed objective is to create prosperity and peace. Peace can't be created this way; peace is the natural state of affairs when what's preventing it is removed. Relatively few people are genuinely committed to peace as a realistic goal, for in the their private lives, most people prefer being 'right' at whatever cost to their reltionship or themselves. A self-justfied personality is the real enemy of peace. When solutions are sought on the level of coercion, no peaceful resolutions are possible."
Dr. David Hawkins
I love this piece of writing. Erudite and beautifully articulated; the sentence I underlined personally brings me so much clarity on the issues of self-sabotage and self-imposition. 2 of the biggest scourges of human nature perhaps?
But in reality it's not just Peace, but also Prosperity, Abundance, Wellness and Love that make up the natural state of human affairs. Yet instead of adopting this simple approach of just recognizing and 'removing' whatever it is we needlessly place in front of ourselves and what we want in life, all to frequently we turn to blind justification, holding factors 'out there' accountable for what's going on 'in here'.
We are not, and never will be shaped or trimmed by anything or anyone 'out there'. And so the more we can learn to simply get out of the way of own ourselves, the more we'll start to see, have, feel and live the way we really want.
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