Monday, January 03, 2011

10 Simple Reasons to Receive Reiki

Magic Hands@Confluence

Now that we're finally on board the Good Ship 2011; the clouds seem to be clearing at last and I believe it's high time I started practicing Reiki again. 

Here's 10 very good reasons for picking up the phone (0504522593) and making an appointment, now:

1. Reiki will improve your general relaxation and help to reduce the stress and anxiety levels that have may have crept up over the last year or so. 

2. It will help to restore your emotional balance, and can be used to help heal issues like depression or insomnia.

3. It can relieve or reduce pain, both in common ailments (headache, menstruation) and in the more chronic diseases. 

4. It's safe and non-invasive. There are no harsh body manipulations, use of needles or pungent smelling creams. You'll remain fully dressed at all times and the therapy has zero side effects, other than you feeling very good indeed!

5. It is a complementary therapy that can be received at the same time as any medical or psychological treatment.

6. Everyone and anyone can (and should) receive it regularly.

7. You don't need to 'believe' in anything for it to work its magic. 

8. It enhances your body's natural immune system and helps to eliminate accumulated toxins. So, perfect to kick off the New Year with!

9. It reduces the recovery time in muscular, ligament and bone damage.

10. It's easy, and you can even order a Reiki takeaway. In other words, you can receive a treatment at home, if that's what you'd prefer.

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