“Victory over others might bring us satisfaction. But victory over ourselves, certainly brings us joy.”
That one get’s you thinking...
‘09 and ‘10 have been bunker years. No quarrel. A holding pattern for the wait-and-see generation sobered up with the anxiety of a world that can’t keep up with itself.
But you can’t help sensing a change on the horizon. A taming of the collective beast, and some much needed time and space for us all to get out of the way ourselves, and look up again.
We live now, in a world of emotions, channels, platforms and players; shat on by Mark Zukerberg, shoveled up and patted dry by our own innate humanity and dazzling sense of individuality. But if those that innovate to be heard, thrive in the jungle, then ‘11 is a time for looking up, clearing our throats and making some fxxxxxg noise!
Good things
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